Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cooking Class at Hubbell and Hudson

Putting the shaved chocolate on the tiramisu

Stirring the polenta

The beautiful, colorful salad of asparagus, roasted peppers, arugula, and parmesan

The cooking class, there were 15 people taking the class

Thank you Grandma Doyle for the great Christmas gift. I LOVE to cook and taking a cooking class was so much fun. The class I took was Italian dinner party. This is the menu that I prepared and ate. It was all super yummy!

I prepared:

Salad of Asparagus, Roasted Peppers, Arugula and Parmesan
Polenta with Artichoke Ragoƻt
Roasted Leg of Lamb with Fresh Rosemary
And they had a sample recipe of Goat Cheese and Sun-Dried Tomato Crostini, which was also so yummy!


  1. So... when are you coming over to cook us this yummy meal?!? ;) Kidding! Looks like you had a good time!

  2. I would love to have people over one day and make this yummy dish! :)
