Monday, May 17, 2010

Reject Bunco is a lot of fun! :)

Wow- we sure do know how to have a good time. We had a fabulous night out starting at Crush Wine Lounge for some sparkeling proseco and then we were off to America's for some fantastic dinner and drinks. And of course because we only do it up right we had a reserved table upstairs for us to lounge, hang out, and enjoy some cocktails and laughs.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Weddings and Babies......

Wow, we have been so busy with our friends getting married. We have had showers, bachelor/bachelorette parties, and beautiful weddings almost every weekend. It is such a joy to go to a wedding. I feel like every time we go it's almost as if we are renewing our vows. I am so happy for all of our friends that have found that special someone to share the rest of their life with.

The newest news is friends who are getting pregnant! Yay- what a miracle! Of course, as everybody knows I have baby on the brain. I am counting down the days to August to start making some babies! haha

That's the latest for now. Congrats to all of our friends! :)