Friday, February 1, 2013

Thank you Victoria and Tom Magliaro's Hair Additions

One of my bestest friends and probably the friend I've known the longest has done something so special for our family! She works for her family's company, Tom Magliaro's Hair Additions, and they are doing a little fundraiser for Harper for the month of February. Since Aetna has said no to genetic testing, Vic thought she'd try to help raise money to pay for it. Every little bit counts....Soooooo sweet! I'm so very blessed and fortunate to have such wonderful friends! Below is the poster they have written up and they have one in each of their waiting rooms. Thank you again Victoria and Tom Magliaro Hair Additions, and of course to anyone who donated! :)

Can Harper Be Your Valentine?
This is the story about a little angel, Harper Reynolds…

Her mom, Amber, grew up with Victoria and Kyle, and right before she began her student teaching in 2005, Amber worked with us here at Hair Additions. Some of you might remember her. We knew that we would eventually lose her to teaching, because she had always adored children.

In July of 2011, Amber and her wonderful husband, Brian, were blessed with their own little daughter, Harper. Nothing could have made them happier. Somewhere before she turned one year old, Amber and Brian became concerned that she was quite delayed in her development. Her muscle tone was weak, and she was way behind in sitting, crawling, and later, in walking, and talking. She wasn’t reaching the milestones that one would have expected of her age.

After numerous visits to various specialists (a neurologist, geneticist, speech and physical therapist) and putting poor Harper through an MRI, EEG, multiple blood tests, tubes in her ears, and leg braces, it’s been
determined that her brain is tremendously under-developed and that she will always be behind.

What does that all mean? That Amber and Brian and Harper and all their family and their friends will need to redefine their focus ---and applaud every little victory that Harper has and celebrate every milestone that she does complete. And help to make Harper’s life the best it can possibly be.

It’s a hard pill for any parent, any loved one to swallow. There is an in-depth genetic test that can help determine with more certainty Harper’s diagnosis, and can help Amber and Brian determine whether this syndrome would be passed onto another child. Thus far, their insurance company has turned them down. The test cost $7,000. All of their friends want to help them get this testing done.

For the month of February, Harper Reynolds is our Valentine. We know she and her family would appreciate more than words can express, if you all make this little angel your Valentine, also.

Thank you for any donations.

The staff of Tom Magliaro’s Hair Additions
Can Harper Be Your Valentine?
This is the story about a little angel, Harper Reynolds…


  1. Oh this is so wonderful!! How can i donate????

  2. Amazing!! I want Harper for my little Valentine!! How can we donate??

  3. How am I just finding out about this?!? Is it too late to donate???
