Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gosh, does the time FLY by...

These last two months have been amazing!! Harper is growing so much everyday reaching new milestones. She has the cutest personality, the sweetest heart, and she is just a bundle of joy!!!

In the month of January, she has learned to clap, she loves her solid foods, she grabs toys, and she is still trying to do so much more.

At her 6 month check up on Monday we found out she weighs 15.5 lbs and she's in the 49th percentile and she is 26 1/2 inches long and she is in the 78th percentile.
We were also told two concerning things. One concern the perdiatrician had was that her head circumference was on the small side. She said it could be because she just has a small head or that her brain wasn't developing. She said she wasn't that concerned though because her head is still growing which is a good thing. She just wanted to let me know so we can keep an eye out on it.

The second concern was that Harper is a little behind. She does roll over, but she gets stuck on her arm, she does sit up, but only with assistance, and on her stomach she hasn't quite figured out the whole pushing up with her arms thing. So Harper will start seeing a physical therapist next Thursday that will just work with her with different exercises and send home some exercises for us to do with her.

On a positive note... Harper has been AMAZING!!!!! She melts my heart everyday! We have had a lot of fun taking her to the park and pushing her on the swing. We enjoy walking to the park in the stroller, and we put Pasha down in the basket in the bottom. Harper has enjoyed spending quality time with her boyfriend, Cade, and her best friend, Avery.

Brian and I have been enjoying every second as a little family and also finding time to ourselves. We love our Saturday routine when we wake up with Harper, play together, then we take her to the gym, where Harper plays, and mommy and daddy work out.

That's about all we have had going on in our lives, but we have a lot to look forward to in the next month. We are going to Austin for a wedding and we are taking Harper, then we have a wedding in NYC, and HArper will be staying with my Aunt, then we have Gigi's 60th birthday party at our house, then the following weekend we are going skiing with our next door neighbors and Harper in Utah.

I'll update pictures soon, and update after all of the fun festivities soon! Keep Harper in your prayers that her head is small and that she is growing at the right pace. :)


  1. So glad you finally decided to blog again :) I will definitely keep miss harper in my prayers! Love you guys! Cant wait to hear about all your travels!

  2. Definately praying for Harper! What a sweet little girl and she is just gonna get sweeter and cuter! Have fun on all your trips:) lucky dog you! XOXO

    1. Thanks Kath!!! I know, she gets sweeter and cuter by the day! Love it! Chat soon! XOXO

  3. Sending prayers for sweet Harper. I know how you're feeling. Keep it in God's hand and everything will be fine. Have a great time on all of your trips.
    BTW I need to get back on the blog bandwagon.

    1. Thanks Amanda! Yes... you're a little behind on the blogging. Catch back up, I want to see pics and hear all about Bailey's 4th bday party! ;)
