Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Harper's new born pictures

She loves to sleep with her mouth open

Little Diva

She has her momma's feet and toes

She is so hip! :)

Sweet girl!

She did not like taking this picture....

We're so BLESSED!!!

Our precious princess

Daddy's girl... I love this picture.. it brings tears to my eyes!

Our tiny peanut
a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgcmj0gu7a9RnoKhNB8-VsLBnnyVinT8_-5I4lL9aZ4RYfnDQmhmFj7DSsP8ukzgdgfEyKbTuqKXQ9Fott8t9AMPUZLhnC6Pa8JCnyEQB9fEl_MFCOu4JjAkeFCCNpqHF20XW1xHjLF0aE/s1600/Harper+newborn+pics+017.jpg">
The Reynolds family

I LOVE my sweet daughter

Mommy's lil girl

Sweet Thing!!!

1 comment:

  1. love love love! I have been checking everyday for more pics so was so excited to see these! She is so cute and still so tiny!!! Keep posting more pictures pleeeease!
